Friday, November 26, 2010

Depression During the Holidays

I noticed a lot of people posting about being depressed during the holidays. This is such a big country. People are scattered from family and friends because of educational and employment opportunities. Many are far away from the communities they grew up in. Finances are not such they they can return to that which gives them community. Many don't want to fly because of the screening procedures. All of these factors can contribute to feeling sadness and depression.

How do you combat it. You make family where you are. A kid at one of the Universities gathered contributions and got permission to cook Thanksgiving dinner for those who were unable to go home or had nowhere to go.

Step out of your comfort zone and go help someone else.  Volunteer to help serve dinner somewhere. Those putting on the dinner can always use an extra pair of hands. Have some folks over who maybe in the same situation, have potluck instead of trying to do it all.

The best remedy to combat depression  is not being alone. Stepping out of your comfort zone and being around other people will brighten your day and theirs. You will be amazed at how the little things can make your day if you open yourself to others. A smile, a hello, a compliment can brighten both the giver and the receiver's day.

Always know that no matter what you are still loved.



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