Today my Baby girls coming home from sleep over camp. She's been gone all week. As I was leaving she called out, "Go get a massage and get out the house". The camp counselors chided in and echoed her remark. I smiled.
Its very easy as a single mom raising a family and running a business to get in a runt and not take me time. Yet me time is very necessary whether you're single or married. Mommy is the nucleus of the family as she goes so goes the family. So it becomes very important that we take time to "breath, center ourselves and find that happy balance to keep us sane".
Oh Yeah, didn't get the massage but I did get out the house. Wednesday I went to the Armitige's 15th Anniversary party in North Scottsdale (its south of Pinnacle Peak so its still south Scottsdale but we won't tell) They know how to throw a party. Thursday I went to a Raven's fundraising event. This one was held at the Home Design Center on Pima Road in Scottsdale. Awesome stuff. The Florist in there had the most unusual plants. They were gorgeous. He had a new strain of roses from Holland that were lilac. Yes, lilac. A beautiful color and the petal edges were a deeper shade of lilac. Simply awesome. Friday Etsy sellers were having crafting events worldwide. I attended the one in Tempe I didn't set up or demonstrate. I hung out with some of the other local etsy sellers I knew. I crafted two cards with doilies. I'll have to take pictures. I had a lot of fun. So I can say I got out the house. Smile
Don't forget to visit my new website
Have a great weekend. Smile
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