Today is Day 29 of the Thankful Challenge. I am thankful For SOCIAL MEDIA.
I have met many wonderful people through Social Media. I've learned a lot that I would not have known were it not for social media. I think that is one the greatest benefit of Social Media the sharing and realizing we all have something to contribute. My page is like the United Nations. You will find people with all kinds of backgrounds and viewpoints. The only thing I request is that folk keep it civil or I will remove you. We have to respect each other and agree to disagree. I have enjoyed seeing people who on the surface have nothing in common reaching consensus around a common event.
The fellows rooting for their home teams and arguinging over whether some player should do one thing or another. Watching brush fires and false rumors being put to rest because someone repeated a rumor and was challenged to prove it. Seeing the word get out so fast when a wrong has been committed and mobilizing people to respond to that wrong other than tsk,tsking.This is the blessing of social media.
Last night I met two people who are on my facebook page. Now I know a wonderful painter (I will be doing a feature Monday on her in July) and a poet. I have been invited to review a book of poems and to attend a recital of the poetry. Would that have happened without social media, who knows.
Now for the not so good side. I have been cussed out because I am a Muslim. I have been attacked because a person trying to "reinvent themselves" took offense at something I wrote which was about me not them. Lastly the "Noise Factor", I'm social media out. I'm am not joining another Blipping thing; I do not play games; I do not "fake" farm; I'm not giving another application access to my page.
I am currently unsubscribing from a lot of things that seemed interesting at the time but the noise factor from it has become overwhelming and is taking too much time from my core which is international trade and creating my jewelry. I will always be a foodie so I have to keep that open. The rest will have to fall by the way side unfortunately or it can become all consuming and nothing gets done.
So where are you in the Social Media stratosphere?
As always you can click on the title to shop. Smile
Have a great weekend.
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